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Holy Week Reflections, Resurrection Sunday

Reflections for Resurrection Sunday of Holy Week....

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Holy Week Reflections, Saturday

Reflections for Saturday of Holy Week....

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Holy Week Reflections, Good Friday ("It is finished!")

Reflections for Good Friday of Holy Week...

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Holy Week Reflections, Maundy Thursday

Reflections for Maundy Thursday of Holy Week....

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Holy Week Reflections, Wednesday

Reflections for Wednesday of Holy Week....

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Holy Week Reflections, Tuesday

Reflections for Tuesday of Holy Week....

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Holy Week Reflections, Palm Sunday

Reflections for Sunday of Holy Week....

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Holy Week Reflections, Monday

Reflections for Monday of Holy Week....

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Conviction without change is wasted emotion

As I was studying for this Sundays sermon out of Acts 17 and Paul's witness in Athens, I was particularly struck by these words: "Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols" - Acts 17:16 (ESV)....

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Test post

this is a test post...

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