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Post Category: Spiritual Growth

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How is your grip on the Bible?

How is your grip on the Bible? There are six ways we can attend to and guard God's Word in our life....

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Your work matters to God

Many of you shared with me how much you appreciated the Tim Keller sermon on "Faith Work" from May 22. I'm glad that it was such an encouragement and challenge for so many. Here is a list of a few other resources that have recently crossed my path. I share them with you in the hopes that they might continue to stir you up as you pray and think through how your work matte...

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Be angry and do not sin

I get angry. Just ask my kids. (Okay, please don't ask my kids.) It isn't a secret. People that know me have heard me share about my anger. I've shared about this in my preaching. It is one of my besetting sins that I hate and fight against and pray that God would be pleased to miraculously take away from me. This week we at SOMA are memorizing the following Fighter Verse...

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Speaking the Gospel to Yourself

Here are several verses to use - what is often called "speaking the gospel to yourself - as you unpack the implications of the amazing promise from Romans 8:1: "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."...

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SOMA, let's grow in loving God in 2016

Jesus said that what matters most is loving God. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.This is the great and first commandment. - Matthew 22:37-38 To put it simply, the best way to grow in our love for God is to spend time alone with Him. How do we spend time alone with Him? By reading the Bible - His self-...

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When you need something Perfect, Sure, Right, and Pure

God's good word to us - the Bible - is utterly amazing. Psalm 19:7-8 describe some of these amazing aspects of God's self-revelation....

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REAPing in 2015

As the the New Year approaches I encourage you to be intentional with your Bible reading. There are so many tools and helps available for us to spend quality time alone with God in His Word. If you are not sure where in your Bible to read I highly recommend that you begin by reading this post by blogger Tim Challies. He provides links to many of the best reading plans incl...

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More on REAPing in 2015

In yesterdays post I encouraged you to be intentional in your time alone with God. I shared a simple and straight forward process called REAP (Read, Examine, Apply, Pray). I should note that REAP is not original with me. I first heard about it through the Verge Network and Austin Stone Community Church. Since tomorrow is January 1st I want to add one more component for yo...

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Living Your Dash

Several years ago I was doing a computer search for a 'tombstone picture' to be used in a Bible lesson; I do not recall why I decided to add my name to the search but there it was. The following concept is not original to me but it makes an interesting point. Tombstones generally show a birth date and a death date. While the dates are interesting the most important issue ...

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Holy Week Reflections, Resurrection Sunday

Reflections for Resurrection Sunday of Holy Week....

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