Holy Week Reflections, Resurrection Sunday
Reflections for Resurrection Sunday of Holy Week....
Keep ReadingAre you interested in reading a book on racial issues with me? Join me as we read John Piper's book Bloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian....
We are supporting our community’s efforts to reduce the transmission of the coronavirus....
As the New Year approaches I’d like to encourage us a church family to plan our Bible reading....
SOMA is moving our Sunday worship service location. Continue reading to learn more....
If you would like to go deeper exploring some important aspects of Christmas, the following will provide you some excellent insights....
A brief review of the June 24th Weekend Worship Service from SOMA Church Community....
The fourth, fifth, and sixth "sleeping pill" from David Murray in his book Reset....
Reflections for Resurrection Sunday of Holy Week....
Keep ReadingReflections for Saturday of Holy Week....
Keep ReadingReflections for Good Friday of Holy Week...
Keep ReadingReflections for Maundy Thursday of Holy Week....
Keep ReadingReflections for Wednesday of Holy Week....
Keep ReadingReflections for Tuesday of Holy Week....
Keep ReadingReflections for Sunday of Holy Week....
Keep ReadingReflections for Monday of Holy Week....
Keep ReadingAs I was studying for this Sundays sermon out of Acts 17 and Paul's witness in Athens, I was particularly struck by these words: "Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols" - Acts 17:16 (ESV)....
Keep Readingthis is a test post...
Keep Reading