Pastor-Elder Blog

The blog of the SOMA Church Community Pastor-Elder team

Here is my paraphrase of the opening words of the first Psalm:

"Happy are those... whose delight is in the instruction of the LORD" (Psalm 1:1-2).

It is my prayer personally, for my family, and for our SOMA family that these words would be true of us in 2014. One way this is accomplished is through Scipture Memory. The other way is through each of us feasting on God's Word in 2014. I have decided on my reading plan for 2014 which will help me read through the New Testament and Psalms twice, and the rest of the Bible once. It is a slightly modified form of the classic Mc'Cheyne reading plan - click here to learn more and please ask me about it if you want more information).

But what about you? What is your plan for reading God's Word in 2014? I can guarantee it won't just "happen." But with some planning AND with the aid of some of the amazing tools at our disposal, you can truly savor the riches of God's Word this coming year.

If you need some ideas or suggestions on what to read and how to read, this post by Justin Taylor is excellent. Want to read the "old fashioned" way with an actual Bible in your hands, great! Want to use your computer or iPhone/smart-phone, that will work just fine!

Shall we see what it looks like to be happy in 2014 as we grow in our delight of God's Word? I'm in!