This week we have a guest post on the Pastor-Elder Blog.
At the end of last year, SOMA selected a few people to form a “First Fruits Team”. The point of this team is to discuss and prayerfully consider how SOMA can tithe 10% of all church giving in a way that helps ministries, both on a domestic and international level, as well as glorifies God and furthers His kingdom. I am excited to share with you that Paul Ortlinghaus, Kim Heuer and I came to the decision to give our 1st quarter tithe to the following two organizations.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
A $2,000 gift was given to IVCF at Sonoma State University. As you may already be aware, due to a new anti-discrimination policy at SSU, IVCF has lost its recognition as an official club and, therefore, funding from the college to help support them. While IVCF accepts anybody to become a member of their club, they hold firm that its leadership team must be Christian and agree with doctrinal beliefs. Our contribution helps carry out their vision of transforming students and faculty on campus through sharing the Good News.
Love in Action Christian Outreach
A $1,000 gift was given to Love in Action Christian Outreach (LACO). Located in Cebu City, Philippines, this ministry serves children and their families who live in extreme poverty by providing for some of their physical and material needs as well as teaching them God’s Word. This gift went towards the purchase of school supplies that are being distributed to roughly 100 kids. Having their school needs met helps inspire them to attend!
Western District EFCA & EFCA
Besides our 1st Quarter 2015 contributions mentioned above, we also gave some of our 2014 First Fruits surplus to the Western District EFCA & EFCA. The Western District of the EFCA consists of 51 churches throughout Northern California and Reno Nevada, including SOMA. Our financial contribution of $3,140 helps support their mission of reaching the city with the gospel and making disciples, who in turn make more disciples, multiplying God’s church. We get to support our District Superintendent (“Pastor to Pastors”) Neal Brower and his wife Judy. In addition to our own Western District, we gave $1,570 to the national ministry of our association – the EFCA.
On Sunday, June 21st, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the SSU InterVarsity chapter as Jenny Klouse, the area director, will be visiting and sharing during our worship service. Also, I will be sharing with you more about Love in Action Christian Outreach.
If there is a ministry you would like to recommend to the First Fruits Team for receiving future church tithes, we would love to hear about it! We welcome you to talk to me, Paul Ortlinghaus, Kim Heuer or Beth Failor.