Pastor-Elder Blog

The blog of the SOMA Church Community Pastor-Elder team


Jesus' words in Matthew 4:4 (quoting Deuteronomy 8:3) are both convicting and encouraging in the same breath:

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God" (ESV).

It is my prayer personally, for my family, and for our SOMA family that these words turn out lives upside down in 2013. One way I pray this is accomplished is through Scipture Memory (more on this later in the week). The other way I am praying for this to be accomplished is through each of us feasting on God's Word in 2013. I have already begun my reading plan - click here to learn more and please ask me about it if you want more information.

But what about you? What is your plan for reading God's Word in 2013? I can guarantee it won't just "happen." But with some planning AND with some of the amazing tools at our disposal, you can truly savor the riches of God's Word this coming year.

If you need some ideas or suggestions on what to read and how to read, read this post by Justin Taylor. Want to read the "old fashioned" way with an actual Bible in your hands, great! Want to use your computer or iPhone/smart-phone, that will work just fine!

Shall we see what 2013 is like when "every word that comes from the mouth of God" is the essential ingredient of our daily lives? I'm in!


I have been listening to the Daily Audio Bible podcast go almost 7 years...has been a great way to go through the Bible. I recommend it for everyone who is on the go, or likes to hear the word

I was always the person in the room who knew the Bible. Lately my memory has been slipping. I have decided to re-enroll in Bible Study Fellowship. I encourage every person who is a follower of Christ to find an in-depth Bible Study in order to attain a comprehensive knowledge of God's Word.