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Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

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Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach banner

Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

A sermon series through the New Testament book of Acts.

The New Testament book of Acts belongs along side the Gospel According to Luke as the second of a two-volume work on the history of Christian beginnings. Both Luke and Acts were written by Doctor Luke (Colossians 4:14). In Acts 1:1 Luke refers back to his first volume as having dealt with "all that Jesus began to do and teach" and therefore we have chosen for this sermon series in Acts the title "What Jesus Continued to Do and To Teach.

Sermons from this Series

Jun 1


June 1, 2014

Faithful Goodnewsing

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 28:16–28:31 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

May 25


May 25, 2014

Sailing Sovereign Storms

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 27:1–28:15 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

May 11


May 11, 2014

Faith in the Way of Christ Jesus

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 23:12–24:27 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

May 4


Apr 27


Apr 13


Apr 6


Mar 30


March 30, 2014

The Way of Authentic Christianity

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 19:8–19:10 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Mar 23


March 23, 2014

Correcting, Collaborating, Converting

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 18:23–19:7 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Mar 16


Mar 9


March 9, 2014

Athens: Responding to Culture

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 17:16–17:34 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Mar 2


Feb 23


February 23, 2014

Philippi: A Church Plant Story

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 16:11–16:40 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Feb 16


February 16, 2014

Because of the gospel...

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 16:1–16:10 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Feb 9


February 9, 2014

Antioch Fight Club

Preacher: Rich Wells Scripture: Acts 15:36–15:41 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Feb 2


February 2, 2014

A Controversy in the Church

Preacher: Rich Wells Scripture: Acts 15:1–15:35 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Dec 8


Dec 1


December 1, 2013

The Realities of Good Newsing

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 13:13–13:52 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Nov 24


November 24, 2013

The Church in Step with the Spirit

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 12:24–13:12 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Nov 17


November 17, 2013

Loss is NOT Defeat

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 12:1–12:24 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Nov 13


November 13, 2013

Antioch: A Church Plant Story

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 11:19–11:30 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Nov 3


November 3, 2013

The Gospel Is for All

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 10:1–11:18 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Oct 27


October 27, 2013

Jesus is still Jesus

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 9:32–9:43 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Oct 20


October 20, 2013

The Essence of Conversion

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 9:1–9:31 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Oct 13


October 13, 2013

God’s Purposes for One

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 8:26–8:40 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Sep 22


September 22, 2013

A Picture of Basic Christianity

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 6:8–8:4 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

May 19


May 19, 2013

Growing Pains

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 6:1–6:7 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

May 12


May 12, 2013

The Joys & Sorrows of Witness

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 5:12–5:42 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

May 5


May 5, 2013

What Community Life Entails

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 4:32–5:11 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Apr 28


Apr 21


April 21, 2013

Spirit-filled Boldness

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 4:1–4:22 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Apr 14


April 14, 2013

A Story of Life Together

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 3:1–3:26 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Apr 7


Mar 17


March 17, 2013

Waiting fuels our Doing

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 1:12–1:26 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Mar 10


March 10, 2013

Looking Up While Moving Out

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Acts 1:4–1:11 Series: Acts: What Jesus Continued to Do and to Teach

Mar 3