In addition to our message on John 3:1-36 and the topic of being "born again” from our Following Jesus series, author and pastor John Piper has a series called You Must Be Born Again that we highly recommend.
Click here to be taken to the Desiring God website where you can listen, watch, download, and read the messages from this series. The first message entitled "You must be born again: why this series and where we are going" is especially important as he shares the misperceptions many Americans have regarding what it really means to be born again.
other sermons in this series
Jul 13
John 14
Preacher: Rich Wells Series: John
Jun 1
Following Jesus - John 13:1-30
Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Series: John
May 25
Following Jesus - John 12:37-50
Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Series: John