August 17, 2014

Happy are the Forgiven

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Series: Summer in the Psalms (2014) Topic: Book Scripture: Psalm 32:1–32:11

In this sermon Pastor Paul spoke of reviewing the day with God. Below is the content he quoted which is taken from John Ortberg's book The Life You've Always Wanted.

At the end of the day it can be helpful to review the day with God: to go over the events that took place, to see what he might want to say to us through them, and to hand any anxieties or regrets over to him.

Reviewing the Day with God

  1. Be still for a moment and quiet your mind.
  2. Acknowledge that Jesus is present. Invite him to teach you.
  3. Go back in your mind to when you first woke up. Watch that scene, as if on video. This may lead you to pray for patience, greater love, courage, forgiveness, or other virtues.
  4. Continue through the day, going from scene to scene. As you reflect on them, some scenes may fill you with gratitude, others with regret. Speak directly to the Lord about this. You may also be led to pray for some of the people you were interacting with during the day.
  5. End with a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s mercy and love. Ask him to refresh you as you sleep.

For most, the best time to review a day is at bedtime, but if you are a confirmed morning person, you may want to do it when you first get up the next morning. A great benefit of this exercise is that we begin to learn from our days. When I was in athletics in school we used to watch videotapes of our performance. Watching the tapes was sometimes painful, yet worth it to be spared our making the same mistakes over and over.

other sermons in this series

Sep 7


Truly God is Good!

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Psalm 73:1–73:28 Series: Summer in the Psalms (2014)

Aug 31


A desperate heart

Preacher: Jon Maves Scripture: Psalm 63:1–63:11 Series: Summer in the Psalms (2014)

Aug 24


Psalm 110

Preacher: Rich Wells Scripture: Psalm 110:1–110:7 Series: Summer in the Psalms (2014)