August 23, 2015

Our Calling to the Generations

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Series: Summer in the Psalms (2015) Topic: Book Scripture: Psalm 78:1–8

Psalm 78:1-8 gives us the duty, the content, and the objectives of our calling to the generations. As the modern proverbial sayings go, "Children learn what they live" and "It takes a Church Community (village) to raise a child."

other sermons in this series

Sep 6


The Way of Corporate Worship

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Psalm 95:1–11 Series: Summer in the Psalms (2015)

Aug 16


The One Thing

Preacher: Paul Ortlinghaus Scripture: Psalm 27:1–27:14 Series: Summer in the Psalms (2015)